Searched Python list to string?  Want to convert list to string in Python? In this quick Python tutorial, you will learn how to turn a list into a string.

How to Convert List to String Python?

A list in python is a built-in data type and it’s like an array that contains similar data types values as well as different data types values.

Here are the requirements is to convert list elements to a single string.

Let see with a coding example.

Given Task:

input: ['Learn', 'coding ','from','LetsTacle']

without space between strings
output:  "learncodingfromLetsTacle"
with delimiter such as  space,#,!,@,* etc between strings    
output: "Learn coding from LetsTacle"
output: "Learn#coding#from#LetsTacle"    

For this, we can make use of multiple methods in python.

Method 1: Simple Concatenation | Python List to String

Let’s start with the very basic method of concatenation using a for loop for iterating list elements one by one and concatenating them to the result string, here our required result is in string str1.

#method 1 simple concatenation
input_list=[ 'learn', 'coding','from','LetsTacle']
str1 = "" 
for val in input_list: 
    str1 += val



Method 2: Using .join() Method Convert List to String

The join() method takes all items in an iterable and joins them into one string.

#method 2 Using .join() method
input_list=[ 'learn', 'coding','from','LetsTacle']



Method 3: Using map() to Turn a List Into a String | Python

Here we have used the inbuilt map() function, map() loops over the items of an input iterable and returns an iterator that results from applying a transformation function to every item in the original input iterable.

For example, below is the syntax for map() in Python:

map(function, iterable[, iterable1, iterable2,..., iterableN])

In our case, iterable is the input_list and we are converting each element to string type by str function.

#method 3 Using map()
input_list=[ 'learn', 'coding','from','LetsTacle']
str3 = ''.join(map(str,input_list)) 



Method 4: Using list Comprehension | Python List to String

List comprehensions are used for creating new lists from other iterable like tuples, strings, arrays, lists, etc. A list comprehension consists of brackets containing the expression, which is executed for each element along with the for loop to iterate over each element.

In our case, iterable is input_list

Syntax for – List Comprehension

newList=[function/expression(element) for element in input_list if condition]

Here we are iterating element by element and converting them to string and saving in the list, at the end we have used join() on a new list to result in the required output string.

#method 4 Using list comprehension
input_list=[ 'learn', 'coding','from','LetsTacle']
str4 = ''.join([str(val) for val in input_list])  



Note: What if we want some delimiter in between the string while the list gets converted. Delimiter such as space, #,! @, * etc between strings

Example 1: For space in between the String

input_list=[ 'learn', 'coding','from','LetsTacle']
str1 = "" 
#adding space delimiter before concatination
for val in input_list: 
    str1 += " "+val


learn coding from LetsTacle

Example 2: For * in between the String

input_list=[ 'learn', 'coding','from','LetsTacle']
str2="*"  #give delimiter such as  space,#,!,@, etc    



Example 3: For @ in between the String

input_list=[ 'learn', 'coding','from','LetsTacle']
#give delimiter such as  space,#,!,@,* etc  
str3 = '@'.join(map(str,input_list)) 



You can use any of the methods shown and use your desired delimiter in between the string.

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