Metaclass Python Introduction

Python Metaclasses are one of the most advanced and powerful features that helps you to create classes dynamically at runtime.

Metaclasses allow you to modify the behavior of a class or its instances, add custom functionality, and enforce rules or constraints on your code.

While not commonly used in everyday programming.

Python metaclasses are an essential concept for building large, complex, and extensible Python applications and frameworks.

In this article, we will introduce you to the concept of Python metaclasses, and provide an overview of their use cases.

We will start by explaining metaclasses and how they differ from regular classes. We will also discuss some best practices and considerations when using metaclasses.

By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of metaclasses in Python and how they can help you write more flexible and maintainable code.

What are Python metaclasses?

Metaclasses are a powerful feature in Python that allows you to create classes dynamically at runtime.

In Python, everything is an object, including classes. A metaclass is a class within a class or the blueprint or template for creating a class.

Metaclasses allow you to define the behavior and properties of a class, such as –

  • Its attributes
  • Methods
  • Inheritance
  • And metaclass-specific behaviors

In a way that is not possible with regular classes. Metaclasses are often used to extend or modify the functionality of a class or its instances.

For example, you can use a metaclass to enforce certain constraints on the structure or behavior of a class.

To provide default implementations for methods, to add or remove attributes and methods dynamically. Or to register instances of a class in a global registry.

Metaclasses can also be used to create domain-specific languages (DSLs) that allow you to define custom syntax or semantics for your code.

While metaclasses can be a powerful tool in the hands of a skilled programmer. They are also a complex and advanced feature that is hardly used in everyday programming.

Before using metaclasses in your code, it is critical to understand their fundamental principles and best practices.

What are the differences between classes and metaclasses?

The key differences between classes and metaclasses in Python are as follows:

What they createClasses create objects (instances of the class) with certain attributes and methods.

For example, a class can define an object that represents a person with attributes like name, age, etc.

And methods like say_hello(), walk(), etc.

Metaclasses create classes themselves. A metaclass is a blueprint or template for creating a class.

It defines the structure and behavior of a class, including its attributes, methods, inheritance, and metaclass-specific behaviors.

PurposeClasses define the behavior of objects. They define the attributes and methods that the object will have and provide the blueprint for creating instances of the object.

Classes are the building blocks of object-oriented programming in Python.

Metaclasses define the behavior of classes. They provide the blueprint for creating classes themselves, including how they are created, initialized, and behave.

Metaclasses are used to modify or extend the behavior of classes as well as to enforce constraints on class creation.

Level of AbstractionClasses are at a lower level of abstraction than metaclasses. Metaclasses are at a higher level of abstraction than classes. 
Example use caseA typical use case for a class is defining an object that represents a real-world entity or concept, such as a person, a car, or a bank account.

The class would define the attributes and methods of the object and provide the structure for creating instances of the object.

A use case for a metaclass is defining a custom implementation for class creation or inheritance.

For example, you might use a metaclass to automatically register instances of a class in a global registry –

  • To enforce certain constraints on the structure or behavior of a class,
  • To provide a custom implementation of the __init__() method for all classes created with that metaclass.
Syntax for creationClasses are created using the class keyword. You can define the attributes and methods of the class inside the class definition using Python’s object-oriented syntax.Metaclasses are created using the class keyword with a special __metaclass__ attribute.

If no __metaclass__ attribute is defined, Python uses type as the default metaclass.

Use frequencyClasses are used very commonly in Python programming.

They are the basic building blocks of object-oriented programming in Python and are used to define objects and their behavior.

Metaclasses are rarely used in Python programming.

They are powerful and advanced features. Which is generally only used in specific programming scenarios where dynamic class creation or more advanced customization of class behavior is required.

Why use metaclasses in Python?

Metaclasses can be useful in Python for a variety of reasons, including customizing class creation, enforcing constraints or validation, and debugging or profiling code.

Here are some examples of each use case:

1. Custom class creation:

One of the main reasons to use metaclasses is to customize the creation of classes in Python.

This can be useful if you need to perform some custom initialization or validation of class attributes, or if you want to modify the behavior of class methods.

For example, you might use a metaclass to automatically register instances of a class in a global registry, as shown below:

class RegistryMeta(type):
    def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        super().__init__(name, bases, attrs)
        registry[cls.__name__] = cls

class MyClass(metaclass=RegistryMeta):

registry = {}
print(registry) # Output: {'MyClass': <class '__main__.MyClass'>}

In this example, we define a metaclass called RegistryMeta that automatically registers any new class that is created with it in a global registry dictionary.

You can use this compiler to run this while going through this tutorial.

We then define a class called MyClass that uses this metaclass and create an instance of MyClass.

When we print the registry dictionary, we see that it now contains an entry for MyClass.

2. Validation and Constraints:

Another use case for metaclasses is to enforce constraints or perform validation on class attributes.

For example, you might use a metaclass to ensure that all subclasses of a certain base class have a specific attribute or method. In addition, it restricts the types of values that can be assigned to a particular attribute.

Here’s an example:

class ValidateAttrs(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        for attr, value in attrs.items():
            if not isinstance(value, int):
                raise TypeError(f"{attr} must be an integer")
        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

class MyClass(metaclass=ValidateAttrs):
    x = 1
    y = 2
    z = 'three' # This will raise a TypeError

print(MyClass.x) # Output: 1
print(MyClass.y) # Output: 2
print(MyClass.z) # raises TypeError: z must be an integer

In this example, we define a metaclass called ValidateAttrs that checks that all attributes of a new class are integers.

If an attribute with a non-integer value is found, the metaclass raises a TypeError. We then define a class called MyClass that uses this metaclass and defines three attributes, x, y, and z.

Since z is not an integer, the metaclass raises a TypeError and the class definition fails.

When we print the values of x and y, we see that they were defined successfully and can be accessed.

3. Debugging and Profiling:

Metaclasses can also be used for debugging and profiling Python code.

For example, we can define a metaclass that tracks the creation time of each class and prints a message to the console.

In addition, this can be useful for identifying performance bottlenecks or unexpected class creation behavior.

Here’s an example:

import time

class TimingMetaclass(type):
    def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs):
        start = time.time()
        cls = super().__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs)
        end = time.time()
        print(f"Created {name} in {end-start:.6f} seconds")
        return cls

class MyClass(metaclass=TimingMetaclass):

# prints "Created MyClass in 0.000001 seconds"

In this example, we define a new metaclass called TimingMetaclass that inherits from the built-in type metaclass. When a new class is defined with this metaclass (e.g. class MyClass(metaclass=TimingMetaclass):). The __new__ method is called with the metaclass object, the class name, its base classes, and attributes as arguments.

We used time.time() to record the start and end times of the class creation process. We then call super().__new__() to create the class object and print a message with the class name and creation time.

When we define a new class with this metaclass (e.g. class MyClass(metaclass=TimingMetaclass): pass), the metaclass records the time it takes to create the class object and prints a message to the console.

Best practices and considerations when using Metaclasses in Python

While metaclasses can be a powerful tool for customizing class creation in Python.

They can also make code more complex and difficult to understand.

Here are some best practices and considerations to keep in mind when using metaclasses:

  1. Use metaclasses sparingly: Metaclasses can be a powerful tool, but they should be used judiciously and only when necessary. In general, it’s better to use simpler techniques like subclassing or decorators to achieve the same result whenever possible.
  2. Keep metaclass code simple: Metaclass code can be difficult to read and understand, so it’s necessary to keep it as simple and clear as possible. Avoid complex logic or excessive use of metaclass magic, and make sure to document the purpose and behavior of the metaclass.
  3. Follow established conventions: Metaclasses in Python are typically defined as subclasses of the built-in type metaclass, with the __new__ method overridden to customize class creation. Follow this convention unless you have a specific reason to do otherwise.
  4. Avoid modifying built-in types: Modifying the behavior of built-in types like int or list using metaclasses can have unexpected consequences and should generally be avoided.
  5. Use metaclasses for clear and specific purposes: Metaclasses should be used for clear and specific purposes like enforcing constraints, validation, or customization of class creation. Avoid using metaclasses for more general or nebulous purposes.
  6. Consider using alternatives: In some cases, it may be more appropriate to use alternative approaches like decorators, subclassing, or monkey-patching to achieve the same result as a metaclass.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about metaclasses in Python

Q1. How do metaclasses work in Python?

In Python, metaclasses work by overriding the __new__ method of the built-in type metaclass. This method is responsible for creating and returning a new class object based on its arguments.

Q2. When to use a metaclass in Python?

You should use metaclasses sparingly and only when necessary. They can be useful for enforcing constraints or validation during class creation, customizing class behavior, or debugging and profiling code.

Q3. Is it possible to use a decorator instead of a metaclass in Python?

In some cases, it may be more appropriate to use a decorator instead of a metaclass in Python. Decorators enable the addition or modification of class behavior without the overhead or complexity of a metaclass.

Q4. How to create a metaclass in Python?

To create a metaclass in Python, define a new class that inherits from the built-in type metaclass and overrides the __new__ method to customize class creation. Then you can use this new metaclass as the metaclass argument when defining new classes.

Q5. Is it possible to change the metaclass of an existing class in Python?

While it is technically possible to change the metaclass of an existing class in Python, this is generally not recommended. Changing the metaclass of a class can have unexpected consequences and should be avoided unless necessary.


  • Metaclasses are a powerful feature in Python that can be used to customize class creation, enforce constraints, and validate code.
  • Moreover, Metaclasses can be useful in certain situations, but they should be used sparingly and with caution, as they can be complex and difficult to understand.
  • When using metaclasses, it’s important to follow best practices to keep the code simple and clear in order to avoid confusion or unexpected behavior.
  • Finally, by understanding the basics of metaclasses and their use cases. Developers can take advantage of this powerful feature to build more robust and efficient Python applications.